( -0855 ) Today the Question Isn't, "Do You Believe in 'Conspiracy Theories'?", the Question is Who Doesn't ( Yale Preprint of Study Says Spike Protein is Present 709 Days After mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines... )
Remnant Church | Remnant Church Pastor Benjamin, "Should We Trust Elon Musk?" "There Is a Strong Probability That AI Will Make Life MUCH Better And That We Will Have an Age of Abundance. There Is Some Chance That It Destroys Humanity."
June 18-19-2024 Imitational moon/what would be as strong as gravity similar to the moon?Ai tracking moon cycles/New moon July 5th/Two new moons/Alot happening with the weather its all over the place/Hurricane with high winds/Dome ice triangles??waxing moo