7 months agoLive Chat with Paul; -201- Alien Encounters Finale Ep7 review + UFO vids and Analysis + UFO TopicsThe Out There Channel
1 year agoLive Chat with Paul; -150- Sunday NZ UFO vid catch up again -laugh at thirdphaseofFAKE stuff +GruschThe Out There Channel
1 year agoLive Chat with Paul; -151- How can anyone Hate Mick West and Tic Tacs + Bigfoots + UFO vids +WitchesThe Out There Channel
6 months agoLive Chat with Paul; -206- Fire Entity + Ben Hansen UFO Witness S02 & Exped. Bigfoot S05 EvidenceThe Out There Channel
7 months agoRefresher Repost / "JFK Jr. Best Evidence Is 2 Come" TODDBURGUN3e756listen read..the txtRolling With You
3 months agoOpening and Closing to Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One 2023 Blu-Ray (Both Discs)Hurford575