Disgraceful! Unbelievable! UNACCEPTABLE! Unless for Research Purposes STOP fu"Q"ing with Your Own Psyche; Never Mind the British People's Psyche! The Mental Gymnastics These People Play is Not 5D Chess, But an Insult to Your Consciousness.
Stranger From Venus (1954 Full Movie) | Sci-Fi/Thriller | Summary: A woman (Patricia Neal) meets a man (Helmut Dantine) from Venus here to warn humanity that if they don't eliminate nuclear weapons ALL humanoids of our solar system will not survive.
Hopeum Vs. TRUE Spiritual Evolution and Ascension.. + The Value of Astrology with it's Cyclical Nature (EVERYTHING Comes in Cycles), and the Key to Finding the Right Path! | Jean Nolan + Sightings Segment
A.I. Mass Surveillance: The Next Chapter in Censorship! + Libs FULLY Aligned with The Illuminati as They Admit: "Deep State is Awesome!" | Former Trump State Dept. Official and Cyber Expert, Mike Benz on Don Jr.'s TRIGGERED.
What Exactly Does This Bitch Want Republicans to Do—NOT Send Illegal Migrants to Sanctuary Cities? Nooooo No No No No‼️ Shoulda Thought About That Before Selling Your Soul for the "Perks" of the Role of Pro-Illegal Immigrant Governor!
SPIN (Documentary)| Spotlighting Illuminati-Control Over Republican/Democrat Parties Alike, AND RELIGION. An Era Where They Primarily (Not Exclusively) Functioned Through the Republican Party! + “Fake White House’s" for TV are NOT New, [Q-Tards!]
There are LITERALLY Countries Around the World Who Live Closer to the Vibration and Technology of Atlantis and Tartaria—The U.S. is Shamefully Not Even Close, and That is BY DESIGN. Not Only Since 2020 to Now, BUT FROM THE MILLISECOND THE U.S. WAS BORN.