Dick Tracy Returns (1938 Complete 15-Chapter Serial) | Crime/Live Action Comic Book | Summary: This 15-chapter serial is a sequel to the 1937 original. Its success made for two more sequels in 1939/1941. Ralph Byrd went on to play Tracy in the TV series.
Dick Tracy (1937) + Dick Tracy Returns (1938) [2 Complete 15-Chapter Serials] | Crime/Live Action Comic Book | Ralph Byrd | Summary: These serials are based on Chester Gould's Dick Tracy comic strip. The film was directed by Alan James and Ray Taylor
5D "Awakening": It Happened, it's OVER, 5D Vs. 3D isn't an Option When You Already Chose (Didn't Know You Did?) Next, Everyone Goes to Where They're Supposed to—and Have Been for Some Time! | Ralph Smart and Danica Patrick