COVID-19 | "Under Tony Fauci's Regimine We Are Going to Put You On a Ventilator Which Is Probably Going to Kill You and Remdesivir Which Is Probably Going to Kill You." - Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
ICE CUBE | "I'm Hoping People Wake Up Enough to At Least Slow It Down. They Want Centralized Digital Currency, They Want Everybody On a Social Credit Score System And They'll Probably Connect It to Some Sort of Vaccine App." Joe Rogan
General Flynn | Bannon, MTG, Lindell + Why Did Flynn Update His Twitter Profile Picture to An Upside Down Flag? + “Gold Standard Is Coming Back!” - Forbes + Fauci Accountability? (17 Tix Remain for June 7-8 Detroit ReAwaken)
Elon Musk | "I Have Trouble Believing These Religious Stories. The Operating System That I Have Is Sort of a Physics Engineering Operating System. " + Can Science & Religion Co-Exist? "Probably Not." - Elon Musk
Creepy Joe in Africa behind bulletproof glass: "Angola is a vibrant city... I'm probably the most pro-rail guy in America. I've ridden over 1,300,000 miles on a daily basis to my work." 47 days of this absurd to go.