Todd Callender: Insurance Actuarial Data Lays Out The VACCINE Case; Infectious illegal Immigrants; Kamala’s Red Flag Laws; P. Diddy - Breanna Morello; The Impending Retirement Crisis - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show
GLOBAL ELITES | The Trials of Peter Navarro. Do the Nations TRUST the World Economic Forum? - Clay Clark; This is HUGE News! - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show
Real Solutions for Real People. How to Survive Bidenomics. - Dr. Kirk Elliott; Widowmaker Heart Attack... yet he was completely healed! - Reed & Connie Barfield; Courageous Gen Z Stands up to Liberal Professor - Jessica Louise Wright | FOC Show
EDWARD DOWD | What is the Economic Impact of the COVID Vaccines? Trump & the Vaccines; This Domino Effect from China is Going to Affect the World! - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show
CYBERSECURITY | Ohio Sheriff Tells the Truth About Our Security - Jeff Bermant; The Next Move for BRICS. Tucker Carlson with President Putin - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show
Left turns on Joe Biden; Kamala Harris is a Failure; Judge Blocks Trans Shooter’s Manifesto - Breanna Morello; WHY are Gold and Silver Prices going UP?? - Dr. Kirk Elliott; | FOC Show
The End of Freedom? The Terrifying Rise of AI Over Human Free Will - Clay Clark; A.I. & CBDCs are working to limit your gun rights and banking! - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show
Things We’ve Never Heard General Flynn Say Before - General Flynn & Joy Thayer; They are the Ones Responsible for this Parabolic Trend - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show