General Flynn | Klaus Schwab & Daughter Nicole Teaming Up to Push “The Great Reset” - Climate Change Agenda? + "What to Do With Billions of Useless Humans?" - Yuval Noah Harari
Climate Change | "If We Spend $50 Trillion Dollars to Become Carbon Neutral In the USA By 2050, You Are the Deputy Secretary of Energy. How Much Is This Going to Reduce World Temperatures? You Can't Tell Me." - Senator Kennedy
Alex Newman | The Great Reset? Was the New Religion Unveiled at the United Nations Climate COP27 Event? (The 27th Conference of Parties + Convention On Climate Change)
Klaus Schwab | Schwab Discusses The Club of Rome & His Work On Climate Change While Competing In Climate Change One-Upsmanship | "I"ve Worked On Climate Change Since 1973, I Was the Person Who Gave the Club of Rome the First Big Platform.&qu
Climate Change | "There Is No Definitive Scientific Proof That Carbon Dioxide Is Responsible for the Slight Warming of the Global Climate During the Last 300 Years." - Patrick Moore (Former President of Greenpeace Canada)