1. 🔴 Coronavirus Update and Impeachment 3 0 Fail is Happening

    🔴 Coronavirus Update and Impeachment 3 0 Fail is Happening

  2. Schumer Demands Investigation Into President Trump For ‘Instances of Retaliation’

    Schumer Demands Investigation Into President Trump For ‘Instances of Retaliation’

  3. 🔴 Bill Barr is declaring war on dangerous “sanctuary city” policies

    🔴 Bill Barr is declaring war on dangerous “sanctuary city” policies

  4. IT BEGINS: Trump Admin Cuts 70 Obama Era Holdovers From NSC – More Cuts Coming This Week

    IT BEGINS: Trump Admin Cuts 70 Obama Era Holdovers From NSC – More Cuts Coming This Week

  5. 🔴 Trump Was 100 Right In Firing Lt Col Alexander Vindman

    🔴 Trump Was 100 Right In Firing Lt Col Alexander Vindman

  6. President Trump Not Happy with Director Wray, Hints He May Be on the Chop

    President Trump Not Happy with Director Wray, Hints He May Be on the Chop

  7. “Bill Barr Announced There Are Going to be Indictments” In Deep State’s Crossfire Hurricane Sham

    “Bill Barr Announced There Are Going to be Indictments” In Deep State’s Crossfire Hurricane Sham

  8. Florida Man Arrested After Threatening to Shoot Unmasked People in Publix Grocery Stores

    Florida Man Arrested After Threatening to Shoot Unmasked People in Publix Grocery Stores

  9. The FBI Spies Were Recording Their Conversations

    The FBI Spies Were Recording Their Conversations

  10. BREAKING NEWS: United States Federal Government Reinstates the Death Penalty

    BREAKING NEWS: United States Federal Government Reinstates the Death Penalty

  11. UPDATE: Lindsey Graham Announces He Will Give Up Senate Judiciary Chair in 2020

    UPDATE: Lindsey Graham Announces He Will Give Up Senate Judiciary Chair in 2020

  12. 🔴👀🔴 Lady Justice Unto New Leaker- Trumps Rally Last Night

    🔴👀🔴 Lady Justice Unto New Leaker- Trumps Rally Last Night

  13. 🔴👀🔴 “She Can’t Win Hillary is Unelectable She’s a Political Cancer”

    🔴👀🔴 “She Can’t Win Hillary is Unelectable She’s a Political Cancer”

  14. California Governor Gavin Newsom Pardons Three Convicted Immigrants To Protect Them From Deportation

    California Governor Gavin Newsom Pardons Three Convicted Immigrants To Protect Them From Deportation

  15. FAKE NEWS Outraged over Violent Obscure Meme Video Shown in Backroom at AMP Conference

    FAKE NEWS Outraged over Violent Obscure Meme Video Shown in Backroom at AMP Conference

  16. 🔴👀🔴 Trump Slams Schiff Could be indicted for Fraud and Treason

    🔴👀🔴 Trump Slams Schiff Could be indicted for Fraud and Treason

  17. 🔴👀🔴 Schiff's our Man! Head of the Coup D'état

    🔴👀🔴 Schiff's our Man! Head of the Coup D'état

  18. 👀 Trump Releases New Hard Hitting Campaign Ad Accusing Dems of a Coup

    👀 Trump Releases New Hard Hitting Campaign Ad Accusing Dems of a Coup

  19. TWO TIERED JUSTICE In 2016 a Whistleblower Brought Info on Crimes Involving Clinton Foundation

    TWO TIERED JUSTICE In 2016 a Whistleblower Brought Info on Crimes Involving Clinton Foundation

  20. Dirty Adam Schiff BROKE HOUSE RULES by Withholding Information on Partisan CIA ‘Whistleblower

    Dirty Adam Schiff BROKE HOUSE RULES by Withholding Information on Partisan CIA ‘Whistleblower

  21. TRUMP DEFIES MOB Tells Reporters Ukraine AND China Should Investigate Biden and Son

    TRUMP DEFIES MOB Tells Reporters Ukraine AND China Should Investigate Biden and Son

  22. Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Speaks Out – Says Biden’s Son Hunter Biden Should Be Investigated

    Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Speaks Out – Says Biden’s Son Hunter Biden Should Be Investigated

  23. 👀 18.1 Billion for Border Wall and Customs!

    👀 18.1 Billion for Border Wall and Customs!

  24. Trump Says He Wants Rep Adam Schiff ‘Questioned at the Highest Level for Fraud and Treason

    Trump Says He Wants Rep Adam Schiff ‘Questioned at the Highest Level for Fraud and Treason
