Yuval Noah Harari | "Just As God In the Bible Designs and Creates Animals and Planets and Humans According to His Wishes, Now We Are Learning How to Design and to Create Life."
In The U.K. - Flip Flop BORIS JOHNSON Is Trying To Save Himself Now That International Criminal Charges Have Been Filed For Crimes Against Humanity! THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN CITIZENS STAND UP!
Jesse Ventura Interviewed by Graham Bensinger (8/9/23): The Hoax That is America, and Why Two Party Politics Must End. | The Man Who Once Rhetorically Asked Alex Jones About Trump’s Announcement for Presidency “Why Didn’t He Ask Me to Run with Him?
Has Trump Traded in the Extra-Conscious Souls (Lightworkers/Starseeds) for the Christian Conservative NPC’s to Ensure Votes? In the End No One Wins without the Independent (Usually the Conscious Soul) Vote. Regardless, Cast Your Vibrational Vote First!
The Great Reset | The Internet of Bodies & The Fourth Industrial Revolution Agenda Explained “We Will Be Under Assessment In Every Aspect of Our Lives, What You Eat, Who You Date, How Much Energy You Use"