2 years agoTaurus WTF Tarot Reading Mid July - Two Wheels of Fortune and two stars! Lucky lucky lucky!JoAaA
2 years agoLibra WTF Tarot Reading Mid July -Someone in the shadows is being called out! this is your win !JoAaA
2 years agoLEO, They can't and won't hold you down anymore YOU ARE SHINING!✨️ *shut up imps*lost and found tarot
2 years agoTaurus WTF Tarot Reading End of June - A leap of faith - Clear the way for the new, Money and familyJoAaA
2 years agoAries WTF Tarot Reading End of June - Manifesting Answers? Message them! prettified of the emotionsJoAaA
2 years agoSCORPIO, you are entering a new reality and a mysterious man wants to be part of itlost and found tarot
2 years agoAries WTF Tarot Reading - Love connection you tried to leave behind, is making you think!!JoAaA
2 years agoSpirit Speaks ~ MESSAGES FROM YOUR PETS #1 ~ spirit guided timeless tarotLillian Rajkovich, Medium/Tarot
2 years agoCancer WTF Tarot Reading 25 April - A really heavy serious read, But someone needs to hear this!JoAaA
2 years agoScorpio WTF Tarot Reading - Not seen the something special? Bar is too high, leap of faith neededJoAaA
2 years agoLibra WTF Tarot Reading 2 May - Open up just a little- Don't be tempted to cut this person down!JoAaA
2 years agoAquarius WTF Tarot Reading 2-15 May - Your ship is coming in, Sow seeds, stop flogging a dead horseJoAaA
2 years agoGemini WTF Tarot Reading 25 Apr - Allow the dark night of winter to pass - Let Tradition Woo you!JoAaA
2 years agoSagittarius WTF Tarot Reading Listen and give a little more and you shall receive - waiting over!JoAaA