1. The Prophets of God Blitz Spokane, WA

    The Prophets of God Blitz Spokane, WA

  2. Today, I learned that I am an Israelite!

    Today, I learned that I am an Israelite!

  3. The Israelites are under the new covenant in Christ

    The Israelites are under the new covenant in Christ

  4. Don't deny what you’re battling with. Examine yourself!

    Don't deny what you’re battling with. Examine yourself!

  5. TMH gives us ways to escape our temptations!! Search the scriptures, and apply them!

    TMH gives us ways to escape our temptations!! Search the scriptures, and apply them!

  6. Christ went out and taught the people!

    Christ went out and taught the people!

  7. What you watch and listen to, affects you.

    What you watch and listen to, affects you.

  8. ZODIAC SIGNS || 15 Minutes W/ The Captains

    ZODIAC SIGNS || 15 Minutes W/ The Captains

  9. Hypocrites will die in the lake of fire.

    Hypocrites will die in the lake of fire.

  10. Ruddy || 15 Minutes W/ The Captains

    Ruddy || 15 Minutes W/ The Captains

  11. Stop envying your oppressor and come back to your heritage!

    Stop envying your oppressor and come back to your heritage!

  12. Don’t let the devil get the best of you when you are angry 😡.

    Don’t let the devil get the best of you when you are angry 😡.

  13. Don’t lose your righteousness when you get angry 😡

    Don’t lose your righteousness when you get angry 😡

  14. We must fear the judgements of God, and keep the commandments.

    We must fear the judgements of God, and keep the commandments.

  15. One persons disobedience can destroy a multitude.

    One persons disobedience can destroy a multitude.

  16. Hope, the fear of God, and knowledge, are suppose to dwell in us, because we are the temple of God.

    Hope, the fear of God, and knowledge, are suppose to dwell in us, because we are the temple of God.

  17. We must be afraid of the judgements of God, at all times!

    We must be afraid of the judgements of God, at all times!

  18. Put off the old man/woman once in Christ

    Put off the old man/woman once in Christ
