4 years agoBilly Goolesby Funeral Service: KJV Baptist preaching by Donnie Pollard, Tony Hutson, Steve GoolesbyBaptistTampaBay
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6 months agoROAR OF THE PRESS (1941) Jean Parker, Wallace Ford & Jed Prouty | Adventure, Comedy, Drama |B&WLost n Found Films
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4 years agoSatan Offered the Kingdom But Jesus Chose the Church Age: Tempted in the Wilderness - KJV preachingBaptistTampaBay
4 years agoJesus Baptized In Water & the Holy Ghost - KJV Baptist preaching, Doctrine of BaptismsBaptistTampaBay
4 years agoComing Home to Chaos, Still About His Father's Business - KJV Baptist preaching Luke 2, Matthew 2BaptistTampaBay