1. #128 Francis R. Conolly Talks About Oprah Winfrey, Meghan Markle, & His Banned Documentary...

    #128 Francis R. Conolly Talks About Oprah Winfrey, Meghan Markle, & His Banned Documentary...

  2. William Cooper - Mystery Babylon #12 - The Assassins & The Templars

    William Cooper - Mystery Babylon #12 - The Assassins & The Templars

  3. Protect our Children & Elderly by Staying out of the USA INC [Article I] Courts run by DOD!!!

    Protect our Children & Elderly by Staying out of the USA INC [Article I] Courts run by DOD!!!

  4. Going out with girls outside the clubs 👯‍♀️🍹Tips & advice & red flags to look out for

    Going out with girls outside the clubs 👯‍♀️🍹Tips & advice & red flags to look out for

  5. Colombia expats & tourists robbed & stabbed 🔪 Ecuador & Brazil crimes happening now getting worse😱

    Colombia expats & tourists robbed & stabbed 🔪 Ecuador & Brazil crimes happening now getting worse😱

  6. Are Seeking arrangements sugar baby girls worth it? What kind of girls? What’s a better alternative?

    Are Seeking arrangements sugar baby girls worth it? What kind of girls? What’s a better alternative?

  7. Do things that can help others & others will help you. Winners don’t surround themselves with losers

    Do things that can help others & others will help you. Winners don’t surround themselves with losers

  8. Bebecita told me we won’t be able to see each other anymore & it made me think about relationships

    Bebecita told me we won’t be able to see each other anymore & it made me think about relationships

  9. Facetime Ai Conversation w Ask Annie the best Ai app you need to download. Smart intelligent pretty

    Facetime Ai Conversation w Ask Annie the best Ai app you need to download. Smart intelligent pretty

  10. First time experiences are the most memorable. Her first flight & first trip anywhere ✈️🏝

    First time experiences are the most memorable. Her first flight & first trip anywhere ✈️🏝

  11. Multiple girls on our laps fighting each other for our attention 👯‍♀️😳

    Multiple girls on our laps fighting each other for our attention 👯‍♀️😳

  12. Find girls who are fresh & haven’t experienced anything or been ran through by hundreds of guys 🤮

    Find girls who are fresh & haven’t experienced anything or been ran through by hundreds of guys 🤮

  13. Even homeless guys are getting laid more than you. Life is better outside of America

    Even homeless guys are getting laid more than you. Life is better outside of America

  14. The best girls come from the worst barrios The prettiest girls come from the ugliest barrios

    The best girls come from the worst barrios The prettiest girls come from the ugliest barrios
