1. CSX SD70ACC Leading EB Ethanol at Carroll, IA on October 5, 2022 #steelhighway

    CSX SD70ACC Leading EB Ethanol at Carroll, IA on October 5, 2022 #steelhighway

  2. SB O998 Track Geometry with CN 1501 at Stevens Point, WI on October 5, 2022 #steelhighway

    SB O998 Track Geometry with CN 1501 at Stevens Point, WI on October 5, 2022 #steelhighway

  3. WB UP EC-5 Inspection Car at Belle Plaine and Carroll, IA on October 4, 2022 #steelhighway

    WB UP EC-5 Inspection Car at Belle Plaine and Carroll, IA on October 4, 2022 #steelhighway

  4. IAIS 513 Rock Island Leading EB Manifest with 2 Passenger Cars on end at West Liberty, IA on 10-7-22

    IAIS 513 Rock Island Leading EB Manifest with 2 Passenger Cars on end at West Liberty, IA on 10-7-22

  5. CSX 134 YN2 Leading SB Ethanol at Dubuque Junction and Bellevue, IA on October 5, 2022 #steelhighway

    CSX 134 YN2 Leading SB Ethanol at Dubuque Junction and Bellevue, IA on October 5, 2022 #steelhighway

  6. Fakebonnet Leading WB Autorack at Trempeateau, WI on October 7, 2022 #steelhighway

    Fakebonnet Leading WB Autorack at Trempeateau, WI on October 7, 2022 #steelhighway

  7. BNSF 6017 25th Anniversary Leading SB Sand Hoppers at Muscatine and Washington, IA on May 16, 2022

    BNSF 6017 25th Anniversary Leading SB Sand Hoppers at Muscatine and Washington, IA on May 16, 2022

  8. NB Manifest with KCSM Grey Ghost at Mills Tower in Iowa Falls, IA on November 20, 2022

    NB Manifest with KCSM Grey Ghost at Mills Tower in Iowa Falls, IA on November 20, 2022

  9. EB CN Inspection Train on the Iowa Interstate at West Liberty Depot on May 22, 2022 #SteelHighway

    EB CN Inspection Train on the Iowa Interstate at West Liberty Depot on May 22, 2022 #SteelHighway

  10. 2 SD40N's lead NB and SB to WB Manifest in Iowa Falls and Carroll, IA on October 28 and 29, 2022

    2 SD40N's lead NB and SB to WB Manifest in Iowa Falls and Carroll, IA on October 28 and 29, 2022

  11. NB CP 41B OCS at Ottumwa, Washington, Muscatine, Bellevue, Dubuque and Guttenberg, IA 10-27-22

    NB CP 41B OCS at Ottumwa, Washington, Muscatine, Bellevue, Dubuque and Guttenberg, IA 10-27-22

  12. WB Manifest and EB Manifest with IC and WC Units at Griffith, IN on November 4, 2022

    WB Manifest and EB Manifest with IC and WC Units at Griffith, IN on November 4, 2022

  13. BNSF 6332 Leading NB CP Rock Train at Washington and Muscatine, IA on 9-16-22 #steelhighway

    BNSF 6332 Leading NB CP Rock Train at Washington and Muscatine, IA on 9-16-22 #steelhighway

  14. UP 6318 Ex-SP on DPU of WB Empty Coal at Sedalia, MO on September 17, 2022 #steelhighway

    UP 6318 Ex-SP on DPU of WB Empty Coal at Sedalia, MO on September 17, 2022 #steelhighway

  15. IAIS 715 and 714 Leading EB 3 Passenger Cars at West Liberty, IA on October 18, 2022

    IAIS 715 and 714 Leading EB 3 Passenger Cars at West Liberty, IA on October 18, 2022
