Monkeypox | Why Did World Health Organization & Harvard Fellow State, "People Don't Understand the Way That Gay and Bi Men Have Sex, or Why They Have Group Sex or Why They Have Sex If They Know It Bares a Risk to Their Lives."
Yuval Noah Harari | "Amazon Will Now How to Push Your Emotional Buttons. The Final Step Is Connect Amazon to Biometric Sensors and Then Amazon Will Know The Exact Emotional Impact of Every Sentence You Read In the Book.
Speaker Of The House | Is the Republican Party Choosing a World Economic Forum Member to Become the Speaker of the House? PRO TIP: When In Doubt, DON'T VOTE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM MEMBERS INTO LEADERSHIP POSITIONS
The Great Reset | HERE COMES INTERNET CENSORSHIP!!! New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern | "How Do You Tackle Climate Change If People Do Not Believe It Exists?"
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Are Used to Threats to Individuals to Freedoms Coming from Hitler from and from Stalin, and With Technology the Defenses Are Down."