1 year agocup of coffee 2016---Current Astrology Overview (*Adult Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
8 months agocup of coffee 4274---WTF File: Dude Tricked into Surgery Wakes Up to His Junk Gone (*Salty Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
8 months agocup of coffee 4268---Blair Witch Project Stars Screwed by Film Companies (*Salty Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
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1 year agocup of coffee 2071---The Bezos/Musk Race to the Moon (*Adult Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
1 year agocup of coffee 2088---A Second Look at UFO Whistleblower (*Adult Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
6 months agocup of coffee 4339---Stories About UFO/UAP/Aliens Ramping Up Again; Project Blue Beam? (*Salty Lang)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
3 months agocup of coffee 4422---Your Brain Deserves a Break (*Salty Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
2 months agocup of coffee 4444---WTF Is Going On With the UAPs? (*Salty Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
9 months agocup of coffee 4261---AI Now at Sam's Club & Falling in Reverse with Jelly Roll! (*Salty Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
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8 months agocup of coffee 4285---Whatever Is Good, Pure & Lovely... (*Salty Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
7 months agocup of coffee 4315---All Hail the Mighty Spud, Again! (*Salty Language and Paradankness)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
4 months agocup of coffee 4407---It's Okay to Admit You Have Some Anxiety; You're Not Alone (*Salty Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
1 year agocup of coffee 2001---Ancient Demon Slaying Sword Discovered in Japanese TombWarlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
5 months agocup of coffee 4373---Helene in Our Part Southwest Virginia, a Rant (*Very Salty Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
4 months agocup of coffee 4387---Drone Swarms Over US Military Sites Or Something Else? (*Salty Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
4 months agocup of coffee 4389---Some Humans Discover Fire is Hot! (*Salty Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
4 months agocup of coffee 4393---Bittersweet Story of Young Man's Secret Online World (*Salty Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
4 months agocup of coffee 4405: The Boot Stomped; Will Your Face Be Next? (*Content Warning; Salty Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
9 months agocup of coffee 4258---Fresh Hell: Flying Spiders (*Salty Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
1 year agocup of coffee 3018---Son Rethinks Father's Alien Abduction Account (*Adult Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
7 months agocup of coffee 4308---Thoughts About Jordan Peterson's Interview of Elon Musk (*Salty Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
1 year agocup of coffee 3041---NewsNation Follows Up on UAP Hearing & McCarthy is Pushed for Select CommitteeWarlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
8 months agocup of coffee 4273---Idiots Amongst Us: Stonehenge Defaced Before Summer Solstice (*Salty Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream