Just 4 weeks ago: "There's a lot of speculation. What's Joe Biden going to do? Is he going to drop out? Here's my - I am running!.. That's a fact, not a joke!" He's on the beach now, doing nothing, and nobody cares.
Biden delivers incoherent remarks: "Schumer leader and I, we took action bringing prices down for everyone... Not a joke, by the way... that's not hyperbole, that's literal... My wife Jill cares a lot about this..."
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Biden goes to Michigan to sniff the kids, whisper, tell people in a cafeteria that he's okay, that "everybody does better," and "it's not a joke!.. anyway..."
Biden Clown Show: "Not a joke.. you think I'm kidding.. holy mackerel.. when I got in a plane & went to South Korea, they said, what the heck are you doing Joe?.. Violent crime rates are falling all across the nation..."