1000名律師與100頂尖醫學專家,取得足夠證據控告世界政府,新冠疫苗乃是反人類的滅絕人口罪行 Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - 1000 lawyers and 100 Medical Experts have EVIDENCE that COVID plandemic is crime against humanity
馬都納多:「不要打新冠疫苗!改造你的基因!敵基督的系統!」Guillermo Maldonado: "Do not put (take) the Covid Vaccine!! Vaccines change your DNA!! Preparing for Anti-Christ!" (中英文字幕)
未來兩年內,會有二十億接種疫苗的人死亡!屍體處理將成巨大難題!-人類學家警告!Two billion vaccinated people will die in the next two years! Corpse disposal will be a huge problem! - Anthropologist warning!