5 months agoRDO - Bounty Hunter Bonuses Month, Week 4: Sunday w/ North, XEagle, CalamityLynn, Drivel and RoiRattYefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming
4 months agoGTAO - Assault on ATT-16 Week: Wednesday w/ GamingChad, RoiRatt and EtherealEraYefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming
4 months agoRDO - Halloween Month, Week 1: Saturday w/ RoiRatt and CalamityLynnYefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming
4 months agoGolf with your Friends w/ PurdyDo, NubesALot, Misfit, LittleBear, KT45, CrazyGoffo, RoiRatt, AdmSmoothrod, Eik and some RDO w/ RoiRattYefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming
4 months agoGTAO, then Golf with your Friends w/ Purdy, Misfit, Chad, Vallant, Goffo, RoiRatt, etcYefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming
2 months agoGTAO - The Diamond Casino Heist Week: Wednesday w/ GamingChad and TakumiYefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming
3 months agoRockstar Newswire, then GTAO - The Heist Challenge Week: ThursdayYefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming
2 months agoRockstar RDO and GTAO Newswire, then some GTAO - Diamond Casino Heist Week: Tuesday w/ GamingChad and TakumiYefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming
2 months agoRockstar Newswire, then some GTAO - Agents of Sabotage Week: Tuesday w/ TakumiYefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming
3 months agoRockstar RDO Newswire, then RDO - Trader Bonuses Month, Week 1: Election DayYefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming
3 months agoRDO - Trader Bonuses Month, Week 1: Saturday w/ CalamityLynn and RoiRattYefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming
2 months agoRDO - Trader Bonuses Month, Week 4: Monday w/ RoiRatt and DrivelYefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming
4 months agoOverwatch 2 w/ Chilli, Mochi, Hairytoe, G2G, Lyf, Wilky, Chubz, Dprince, Miggie, etc.Yefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming