2 years agoBloody Mary is a legend of a ghost, phantom, or spirit conjured to reveal the futureThe Audible Wiki Factory
1 year agoCRYPTIDS 101 🐾 Sasquatch (Relict Primate : Bigfoot Origin Legend ᴸᴺᴬᵗᵛLATE NIGHT PARANORMAL
1 year agoAUSTRALIAN ABORIGINAL MYTHOLOGY EXPLAINED | Rainbow Serpent, Bunjil the eagle, Great Flood and More!The Pages of Time
2 months agoKarna Pishachini: The Mystical Spirit of the Cremation Ground | Avilash Podcast 22theavilashpodcast
2 years agoMystery of 300-year-old mummified mermaid with creepy human face finally solvedArtiinteldaily
2 years agoHanako-san, or Toire no Hanako-san, is a Japanese urban legend about the spirit of a young girlThe Audible Wiki Factory
2 years agoThe Corner Game or Four Corners Game, is an urban legend game circulated in East AsiaThe Audible Wiki Factory
5 months agoPralines and Crows: The Magical Folktales of Aunt Mymee and Little Dove's SonRebelliousSea
2 years agoAradia il Vangelo delle Streghe DOCUMENTARIO morirete tutti nei vostri peccati che non vi saranno MAI RIMESSI e finirete nello stagno di fuoco e di zolfoMERDALIA💩LA REPUBBLICA DELLE BANANE E DEGLI IDIOTI
1 month agoGuardian of the Fallen Star (Northern Woods Folklore Survival Horror Monster)Spooky Grandpa's Scary StoriesVerified