The Great Reset | "I Think It's Time to Consider Linking Being Vaccinated to Certain Freedoms." - Prof Paul Griffin (Infectious Diseases Physician and Clinical Microbiologist. Clinical Trial Principal Investigator)
Elon Musk | Musk's Neural Link Event + "You Can Record Memories.You're Really Getting In BLACK MIRROR Stuff Here." + "You Could Store Your Memories As a Backup and Ultimately Download Them Into a New Body."
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "A System That Relies Entirely On Completely Secret Information About Who Is Owning the Digital Dollar Would Not Be Viable." - Jerome H. Powell (Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve)
“The New York Fed Is Running a 12-Week CBDC Pilot Program with Major Banks. Japan Is Running a Trial of Their Own and So Is Japan with a Super Majority of Industrial Nations Participating In This.”
CBDC | "So Let's Have a Digital Health Certificate Acknowledge by the World Health Organization." - Budi Gunadi Sadikin (Minister of Health, Ministry of Health of Indonesia and World Economic Forum Member)
Yuval Noah Harari | Climate Change & One World Religion | Returning to Mt. Sinai to Introduce Ten Universal Commandments | "In the 10 Commandments You Have an Endorsement of Slavery," "A World with Completely Different Laws,"