Yuval Noah Harari | "The Very Acronym AI Stood for Artificial Intelligence. But, I Think It's Better to Think About It Like Alien Intelligence. It Makes Decisions That Are Fundamentally Alien to the Human Mind." - 11/16/2024
Yuval Noah Harari | "Do You Think That Democracy Is a Conversation Between Humans? In the U.S. There Is a Legal Path for AI's to Really Take Over. In the U.S. a Corporation Is Considered a Legal Person." - 9/19/2024
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Is the Hebrew-Speaking Man Celebrated By Obama, Zuckerberg, Gates, Klaus Schwab Advocating for An AI-Written Bible & Saying to Israeli PM Netanyahu? "Stop the Coup or We Will Stop the Country." (Revelation 16:11-12)
666 | What Is the Link Between AI, mRNA Technology, CERN & Neural Link? Why Elon Musk Say, "With Artificial Intelligence We Are Summoning the Demon" & "We Could Effectively Merge with Artificial Intelligence"?
Artificial Intelligence | "AI Is the First Technology In History That Can Make Choices By Itself. We Now Have Armies Developing Autonomous System (Killer Robots). The First Weapon That Can Decide Whether to Kill Someone." - Yuval Noah Harari
Grimes | AI Fastest Path to Communism | Great Reset | "AI Is the Fastest Path to Communism." - GRIMES + "With Artificial Intelligence We Are Summoning the Demon." - Elon Musk
Yuval Noah Harari | "This No Longer Science Fiction. Increasingly, If You Apply to a Bank to Get a Loan If You Apply to Some Company to Get a Job Increasingly Its an AI That Decides Whether to Give You the Loan Whether to Give You the Job or Not.&quo