5 months agoHappy Rosh Hashanah, Panic Buying, 3 more Hurricanes forming, Miracles in Israel,use discernment etcRidgeReport
7 months agoBreaking News at 4:00, EMERGANCY ALERT CHANGE YOUR PASSWORDS ON THE SITES I GIVE YOU NOW. Love You.RidgeReport
4 months agoYour Needed, BRICS SUMMET, Flooding, Japan's Navy, H5N1, Donald Trump, Antarctica, CDC, UNIFIL ETC.RidgeReport
3 months agoBC WEATHER BOMB, Did Biden just initiate World War 3? China says leave us and Taiwan alone, TIC TOC.RidgeReport
8 months agoHidden Camera Gets Donald Talking, H1N1, BERYL, DC Has bad Water, US Military Plant Explodes, QuakesRidgeReport
6 months agoBy Jesus Stripes you are Healed, Breaking News coming at us as Birth Pains. This is the Season.RidgeReport
7 months agoSo much Breaking News going on i start with the news at the 5:00 MARK before that is todays Message.RidgeReport
2 months agoTodays Breaking World News Report, Have a Blessed Jesus/Family Christmas from myself and Debbie.RidgeReport
3 months agoCrying and its Benefits. Breaking News, Robert F Kennedy Mandate, UK Food Shortage, Harpatzo ETC.RidgeReport
2 months agoDon't be scared or worry about anything. My second one today Enjoy. BREAKING NEWS TODAY BUCKLE UP.RidgeReport
2 months agoQR CODES COMING TO YOUR STORES, Birth pangs, What they are not telling you plus the Shofar sound ;)RidgeReport
4 months agoAnd so it Begins, The Skinny of what this means so get ready, Peace and DANIEL 9-27 in Play, RaptureRidgeReport
7 months agoNews starts at the 6 min mark. I'm glad your here we are living in Exciting days.RidgeReport
1 month agoPROPHECY UNFOLDING IN THE NEWS, World Weather WHAT?!, Economic Collapse, World Peace, Drug Murders,RidgeReport
1 month agoNo insurance for Cal, Military base Burglarized, Stop Smoking it, Orbs in Tumbler, UN World order.RidgeReport
1 month agoHOSTAGE DEAL PROPHECY ELERT 2 STATE SOLUTION IN PLAY. News there hiding from you. season is here.RidgeReport
7 months agoFlorida A Hurricane is coming. Chilcotin River BC, 9th AV 11 Days to go, Beast system,RidgeReport
2 months agoAunt Trudy, Not sure if your saved? Fluoride, Enoch, CIA, Friendly Fire, Orbs UFOs, Dec24/25 WatchRidgeReport