Agustín Carstens & Yuval Noah Harari | Who Are Agustín Carstens (General Manager of the Bank of International Settlements) & Yuval Noah Harari (Lead Klaus Schwab Advisor Praised By Obama, Zuckerberg, Gates, MIT, Stanford, Harvard, etc.)?
Yuval Noah Harari & Klaus Schwab | PRO-TIPS On How to Sound Like An EVIL GODLESS GLOBALIST WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM VILLIAN with Joe Wakile from Connect Those Dots
General Flynn | Has the Exponential Implementation of the Great Reset Began? Has Klaus Schwab’s Economic-Freedom Killing Agenda Began? Who Is Henry Kissinger? Why Did King Charles Help Turn On a Climate Clock Counting Unto 2030?
The Great Reset Explained In 2 Minutes | "The Difference Of This Fourth Industrial Revolution Is It Doesn't Change What You Are Doing It Changes You If You Take the Genetic-Editing." - Klaus Schwab + "Surveillance Under Our Skin"
Lo zio KLAUS SCHWAB spiega il suo piano di prendere il controllo degli umani attraverso il suo vivaio di "figliocci" comprati e portati al comando delle nazioni [in descrizione gli elenchi in pdf originale]
The Great Reset | Why Is Robin Bullock One of the Few Christian Leaders Willing to Call Out Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab, CERN, Pan, the Ceremony of Pan & the Satanic Agenda of the World Economic Forum + Where Does SATAN Dwell?