1. Shavuot Basics, Part 2 | Salvation is a Legal Transaction | Melchizedek Priesthood Change

    Shavuot Basics, Part 2 | Salvation is a Legal Transaction | Melchizedek Priesthood Change

  2. Four Ladies of Teshuvah gather to talk and Invite you to journey here for Sukkot next year!

    Four Ladies of Teshuvah gather to talk and Invite you to journey here for Sukkot next year!

  3. Kingdom University | The Biblical Feast Foundations 101 Course | Core Considerations to Feasting

    Kingdom University | The Biblical Feast Foundations 101 Course | Core Considerations to Feasting

  4. Potlucks make lazy worshipers | Food at Yah's Feasts | This is the best you have for the King?

    Potlucks make lazy worshipers | Food at Yah's Feasts | This is the best you have for the King?
