CBDCs | "All Western Currencies Are Mysteriously Converging Right Now Almost As If for Preparation of the Introduction of the Digital Klaus Schwab Mark."
Klaus Schwab | "Who Will Really Command the Fourth Industrial Revolution And Its Technology Like Artificial Intelligence." - Klaus Schwab + "Dr. Schwab I'm Flattered You Ask Me to Keynote. Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution.&qu
The Great Reset | Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari "I Am Convinced That We Will Destroy Alot of Employment, Just Look At the Bank Employees and So On...If You Are Left Behind They Won't Even Need You As a Serf or a Slave."
The Great Reset | Why Are President Biden, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Klaus Schwab & China's Leader Xi Jinping Attending the G20 In Bali to Together?
Club of Rome | Did You Know That Klaus Schwab & the Club or Rome Created a Plan to Divide Earth Into 10 Regions or Kingdoms? Rev 17:12 Happening Now? Does the Bible Discuss Dividing Earth Into 10 Economic Regions?
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Are Probably One of the Last Generations of Homo Sapiens." - Yuval Noah Harari (A Lead Advisor to Klaus Schwab Who Is Praised by Obama, Zuckerberg and Gates)