Univ of Connecticut: Small, Sober Crowd of 25 Students, Answering Questions From Atheists, Skeptics & Hypocrites, Warning Student About Iran-Israel & WW3, Preaching About The Eclipse, Jesus Is Returning Soon, Mockers, But Some Take Tracts
Univ of Central Arkansas: Female Homosexual Apologizes For Her Behavior, Veteran's Dad Dies Unexpectedly Today And Is Blessed By My Preaching, Exalting Jesus
Eastern Washington University: Homosexual Hecklers Help Me Draw A Crowd Of About 60 Students, Police Presence Helps Keep Things Civil, Several True Christians Come Out To Support Me, Dealing w/ Agnostics & Atheists Most of the Day, Exalting Jesus!
Univ of Nebraska, Lincoln: Lots of Mockers, 1 Student Wants to Preach & He Breaks Down In Tears As He Calls The Students To Repent, Jesus Christ Magnified
Florida International University: 30 Preachers Join Me As We Exalt The Gospel Of Jesus Christ, Contending w/ Muslims, Atheists, Homosexuals and Hypocrites -- A Wild Day!
Portland State Univ: Skeptic Debates Me Over Proof of the Bible & Biblical Archeology, Draws A Crowd of 50 Students, Homosexuals & Atheists Contend w/ Me, Lively Crowd As I Exalt Jesus Christ!
Montclair University: Police Restrict Me To 90 Minutes, Two Female Students Eagerly Promise To Pass Out My Tracks, Atheist Challenges Me To Debate For Tomorrow, Small Crowd Drawn, I Nearly Topple Over Due To How Weak I Am, Jesus Lives!