The Invention Secrecy Act of 1951, Harvard Says "Aliens Are Living Among Us", and Practicing Fake Alien Invasions on Small Villages in South America — The PSYOP Has Begun! | Aaron Abke and J-Griff
THIS IS HOW YOU'LL END THEIR CONTROL—Really Simply. #HistoryCanTellTheFuture #YoullTrustNoPlan #YoullTrustEachOther #CommunitiesUnitedForSovereignty #KnowYourSheriff | "Destroying Ra" Clip From the Film "Stargate" (1994)
Nearly EVERY City Will Be “Athens”. Sounds Scary, But You’ll Be SO Happy and More At Ease Than You Realize (Get to Know Your Sheriff). Closest Phase to 5D Yet Before Actually Reaching it! Oooh, You're Gonna Do the Work!!
Alex Jones to Sue The Atlantic Monthly, The FBI, and The CIA! + Alex Returns to the Scene of The Crime (of The 2020 Election), and an EPIC First-Time Interview with Billy Carson!
The Once "MAGA Granny" Turns on Trump and Alex Jones—This is the Kind of Frazzled Disoriented Mind Qanon Breeds After the PsyOp on the Individual's Mind is Complete, Saturating it with Enough False Dates and Fake Intel.