Kanye West Ritual, Marilyn Manson, Three People; The Trinity is Significant, Immolation, Long-Planned Ritual, The Dark Side of the System Has Fallen + The Light Side is to Bring in the Anti-Christ
Miley Cyrus, We Can't Stop Music Video Decode, Mockery and Contradictions, Diamonds, Beta Kitty Sex Slaves, Teddy Bears + Handprints (Alludes to Ritual Walls), Smocking
Miley Cyrus We Can't Stop Music Video Decode, Spaghettios, Twerk, Spooning, Sauce, Cannibalism + Taxidermy, High Level Brotherhood Members' Man Caves and Sexual Abuse + Silence and Mourning
Eminem The Monster Music Video Decode, Psychiatric Setting, Metronome, Hypnotism, Words Implanted, Triangle Hand Sign + Behind Bars, Elton John, Drugs, Dark Times
Kanye's Sunday Services, Rhythms & Frequencies Familiar to Jessie from Childhood, "Witchy Force" + Sunshine (Jessie's Ritual Name), Lucifer's End-Time Agenda & Role Jessie was Meant to Play Opening All the Spiritual Gates
Florida Event and New Orleans + Baphomet Statue in Voodoo Shop, Baphomet Represented by Transgenderism and Homosexuality + EMF Detector, Sending Energy
Donda Merch, Gematria, Solomon's Seal, The Creation of Ritual Spaces (including on People's Bodies) and Portals for Demonic Spirits to Come Through + King Solomon, Wisdom, Knowing By Experience, The Black Arts + The Great Apostasy, Deception
Kanye & Kim Kardasian, Black Wedding Ritual, Dark to Light, Bride, Mockery of Christ + Aleister Crowley, Equilibrium + Announces the End of the Dark Side, Expect False Christs Capable of Signs, Wonders and Miracles
Rihanna Umbrella Music Video Decode, High End Escorts, Under the Umbrella of the Illuminati + "Come Into Me", Liquid, Sexual Act or Water Magick + Red Shoes, Umbrella Crew + Gold Paint, Covered in it
Elon Musk at the Met Gala, No Keeping of Posture (Deliberately), Maye Musk + Is Hillary Clinton Dead? + 44 (Does that Number Refer to Obama and/or the New World Order?), When Does a Bird Sing?