Blinken Spills Biden’s China Beans;Trevor Loudon Joins me: Communist Invasion of America;Hunter Plea Deal vs Trump Show Trial;More on Fall of America: NYC Subway Hero Case (Replay of 6.20.23)
Demonic Possession for Power, Angels (including Fallen Ones) Have Spiritual Gifts That Can Enhance a Human Being's Gifts + The Big Bad Boys, Human Hosts Usually Only Live For Around 5 Years and Are Then Destroyed by the Demon + Shapeshifters
Kanye (End-Time) Ritual, Dark Side of the System Fallen? Sunshine=Jessie's Ritual Name + Marilyn Manson, Kim Kardashian, Immolation + The Phoenix Position, The Great Apostasy, False Christs vs Anti-Christ, The Light Side Will Raise Up the Anti-Christ