10 months agoR.I.P. Globe Earth & NASA: True Lens Correction Lessons on Blue Origin for Globe Earthers | NDRLiberty TV
10 months agoCAUTION: "Blue Dot" Rebels (Flat Earthers, Anti-Vaxxers/WHO/UN, etc.) Might Be Taken to FEMA CampsLiberty TV
8 months agoProof of the Moon Producing Its Own Light! Don't Be Duped by Cabal/NASA Agents/Trolls!Liberty TV
7 months ago1897-1921 Articles: The Earth Mirrored on the Moon ! Join the "World Map by Plasma Moon" Movement !Liberty TV
6 months agoPlanets Are Electromagnetic Toroidal Fields One Inside Another! They Are Not Solid Balls In "Space"!Liberty TV
6 months agoMore Lands Revealed after Correcting the Slightly Concave Plasma Moon | Divergent & Vibes of CosmosLiberty TV
6 months agoIn 1965, a Real Scientist, Professor Among R. Foster, Stated That the Moon Is Plasma - NOT SOLID !!!Liberty TV
6 months agoBEWARE! NWO/Globe/Gleason Gatekeepers Mislead and Distract You from the Plasma-Moon Flat-Earth MapLiberty TV
4 months agoThe Moon Resembles the Plane Earth Right beneath It -- Continents in TRUE POSITION and SAME SIZE !!!Liberty TV
4 months agoJeran Campanella Blames Eric Dubay for Introducing the UN/AE/Gleason False Flat-Earth Map in 2014Liberty TV
4 months agoThe Chronology of the 500-Year Globe-Earth and Heliocentric Deceptions of the Jesuits | James W. LeeLiberty TV
1 month agoDocumenting the Future: Remote Viewing & Consciousness | Nyiam Vendryes and Robert BowerNexusNexCast
4 months agoWill Robert Kennedy Jr. Remove All Types of "Vaccines" (Injectable, Intranasal and Ingestable)?Liberty TV
3 months agoPSEUDOSCIENTIFIC VIROLOGY - A Brief Summary with Downloadable PowerPoint Slides | Dr. Tom CowanLiberty TV
11 months agoThe NWO Cabal, Globe Earth Conspiracy and Tartarian World Suppression | Sean Stone w/ Santos BonacciLiberty TV
4 months agoInformative Discussion on Viruses, Virology, Lab Leaks and Tyranny | Kim Iversen with Dr. Tom CowanLiberty TV
1 year ago9⧸11 and The Hutchison Effect - Key Evidence (Part 1 of 2)911 & The Hutchinson EffectVerified
10 months agoThe Horizon Rises with a Rocket to 253 Km Altitude (If Earth Were a Globe, It Would Not Rise At All)Liberty TV
10 months agoOVERWHELMING EVIDENCE of Flat Earth! Join the Flat Earth+Plasma Moon Movement Before It's Too Late!Liberty TV
10 months agoBlue Origin: Flat Horizon Rises with the Camera to 320000 Feet = Flat Earth | Lens Correction by NDRLiberty TV
10 months agoNASA Chief Bill Nelson Caught Lying AGAIN to Hide Earth's Selfie on the Unlandable Plasma Moon !!!Liberty TV