Government making a Dairy Farm in Southern Ontario dump 30,000 litres of milk because they have gone over quota. Can’t donate it to a food bank, or to a hospital, or to a homeless shelter.
My heart breaks for her But I don’t know how any pregnant woman would think that an untested experimental "pharmaceutical" product is okay to take during pregnancy - Wake up now.
Israel is on "the verge of an explosion" — President Herzog. "We are on the brink of constitutional collapse and of a domestic violent confrontation," Herzog added.
The Vaccine Spreaders of Misinformation: Bill Gates, Fauci & Company Deserve to Be Laughed At If you want to help wake some people up, please share to help this go viral. the quicker the public sees these people as clowns, not experts!
COVID "Vaccine" Injured Mother Says Blood Work Confirms Spike Protein Still In Her Body 603 Days After Vaccination - "I have test results showing spike protein was still present and wreaking havoc in my body 603 days after my last Moderna v
Australian Dr. David Nixon reveals his findings of nanotechnology inside the COVID-19 “vaccines”, as well as microtech, which is larger than previous nanotechnology findings inside the vials. He also discusses how protecting the vials inside a faraday
Mother of Caitlin Gotze (23) says: “We were pro vaccine. We thought the people who wouldn’t get the vaccine were silly.......then one day my daughter drops dead from the (Pfizer)”