1. Benefit of Taking Ownership of Negative Circumstances | Mental Diets #89

    Benefit of Taking Ownership of Negative Circumstances | Mental Diets #89

  2. Illusions We Can Find Ourselves In | Mental Diets #119

    Illusions We Can Find Ourselves In | Mental Diets #119

  3. Life Without Media Narratives | Mental Diets #121

    Life Without Media Narratives | Mental Diets #121

  4. Catching Disempowering Mental Stories | Mental Diets #115

    Catching Disempowering Mental Stories | Mental Diets #115

  5. Becoming Aware False Binary Traps | Mental Diets #99

    Becoming Aware False Binary Traps | Mental Diets #99

  6. Mirror of Mind (Subconscious Impressions) | Mental Diets #117

    Mirror of Mind (Subconscious Impressions) | Mental Diets #117

  7. Consciously Using Spiritual Energy | Mental Diets #108

    Consciously Using Spiritual Energy | Mental Diets #108

  8. Transmuting Pain Using Metaphysics | Mental Diets #116

    Transmuting Pain Using Metaphysics | Mental Diets #116

  9. Dealing with Unconsciousness in Others | Mental Diets #110

    Dealing with Unconsciousness in Others | Mental Diets #110

  10. Revising the Story You Are Telling Yourself | Mental Diets #118

    Revising the Story You Are Telling Yourself | Mental Diets #118

  11. Living Out Your Ideal Life Using Metaphysical Law | Mental Diets #109

    Living Out Your Ideal Life Using Metaphysical Law | Mental Diets #109

  12. Healing Blocks and Resistance | Mental Diets #125

    Healing Blocks and Resistance | Mental Diets #125

  13. Gratitude without an Opposite | Mental Diets #127

    Gratitude without an Opposite | Mental Diets #127

  14. Growing More Empowering Beliefs | Mental Diets #122

    Growing More Empowering Beliefs | Mental Diets #122

  15. Acceptance Does Not Mean Agreeing | Mental Diets #102

    Acceptance Does Not Mean Agreeing | Mental Diets #102

  16. Using Breathing to Ground into the Moment | Mental Diets #80

    Using Breathing to Ground into the Moment | Mental Diets #80

  17. The Only Thing You Ever Let Go Is Fear | Mental Diets #85

    The Only Thing You Ever Let Go Is Fear | Mental Diets #85

  18. Using Want to Experience Desire | Mental Diets #83

    Using Want to Experience Desire | Mental Diets #83