Doctor Robert Malone | "One of the Transformational Points In Time for This Technology Was When DARPA Decided to Issue a Large Contract, a Series of Contracts to Enable the Development of mRNA and Specifically mRNA Use for Vaccine Purposes."
The Great Reset | Agenda Explained (In Their Own Words) | Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari State, "Destroying alot of Employment," "Adding a Non-Organic Immune System," "If You Are Left Behind We Won't Need You,"
#312 Maricopa County’s Public Records Requests EXPOSE Voter & Ballot Totals For The Nov 8, 2022 Election Appear To Be FRAUDLENT! County ADMITS NO Receipts To Verify Totals…NO CHAIN OF CUSTODY. Where Are “our leaders?” | SG ANON
GOLD | BTFP (Bank Term Funding Program) | "There Will Be Bank Failures." - 3/7/24 - Jerome Powell (U.S. Fed Chair) + CBDCs What Happens When Fed Program Started 3/23 Allowing Banks to Borrow from Fed Ends Monday?
GOLD | What Does the "FDIC- Each Depositor Insured to at Least $250,000" Sign Actually Mean? "The FDIC Operates On a Fractionary Reserve System. The FDIC Is Required to Keep 1.35% of All Total Insured Deposits." - 3/24/24