3 years agoTrumpet Jazz Solo Fluency by Phiip Tauber - Chapter 1 [Major Chords] (Cycles for the Major 7th 08)The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
3 years agoTrumpet Jazz Solo Fluency by Phiip Tauber - Lydian Scales Review 1The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
2 years agoTrumpet Jazz Solo Fluency by Phiip Tauber - Lydian b7 A Dominant 7th b5 or #11The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
4 years agoTrumpet Jazz Solo Fluency by Phiip Tauber - Chapter 1 [Major Chords] (Cycles for the Major 7th 05)The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
4 years agoTrumpet Jazz Solo Fluency by Phiip Tauber - Chapter 1 [Major Chords] (Cycles for the Major 7th 04)The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
4 years agoTrumpet Jazz Solo Fluency by Phiip Tauber - Chapter 1 [Major Chords] (Cycles for the Major 7th 03)The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
5 years agoTrumpet Jazz Solo Fluency by Phiip Tauber - [Jazz Trumpet Warmups 04]The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
5 years agoTrumpet Jazz Solo Fluency by Phiip Tauber - Chapter 1 [Major Patterns] (Key of C Part 2)The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
2 years agoTrumpet Jazz Solo Fluency by Phiip Tauber - The Minor 7b5 Locrian ScaleThe channel for Trumpeters of all levels
3 years agoTrumpet Jazz Solo Fluency by Phiip Tauber - Chapter 1 [Major Chords] (Cycles for the Major 7th 06)The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
4 years agoTrumpet Jazz Solo Fluency by Phiip Tauber - Chapter 1 [Major Chords] (Cycles for the Major 7th 02)The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
2 years agoTrumpet Jazz Solo Fluency by Phiip Tauber - Introduction do Descending Major ThirdsThe channel for Trumpeters of all levels
3 years agoTrumpet Jazz Solo Fluency by Phiip Tauber - Chapter 1 [Major Chords] (Cycles for the Major 7th 07)The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
3 years agoTrumpet Jazz Solo Fluency by Phiip Tauber - Chapter 1 - Shifting Major Key Centers 2The channel for Trumpeters of all levels