7 months agoTalking to Muslims 267: Edmonton Islamic Centre can't address Surah 5:47ChristianComedyChannel
6 months agoTalking to Muslims 283: A London Islamic Scholar on the Quran's view of the BibleChristianComedyChannel
7 months agoTalking to Muslims 278: Bristol Albaseera Centre on Boardgames, Music and the QuranChristianComedyChannel
7 months agoTalking to Muslims 279: Boardgames, Music, the Hadith and the GospelChristianComedyChannel
7 months agoReligious Folk in Dialogue 736: The United Pentecostal Church in Manchester hang up on meChristianComedyChannel
7 months agoReligious Folk in Dialogue 742: United Pentecostal Church in PeterboroughChristianComedyChannel
7 months agoReligious Folk in Dialogue 754: The First Church of our Lord Jesus ChristChristianComedyChannel
7 months agoReligious Folk in Dialogue 746: I contact the UPC British Headquarters to complainChristianComedyChannel
9 months agoTalking to Muslims 187: Al Quba Masjid in Rochdale, North of England 1 of 2ChristianComedyChannel
9 months agoTalking to Muslims 195: The unhelpful scholar at Aziziya Mosque, LondonChristianComedyChannel
9 months agoTalking to Muslims 193: London's worst Mosque - Masjid Ramadan 2 of 3ChristianComedyChannel
9 months agoTalking to Muslims 192: London's worst Mosque - Masjid Ramadan 1 of 3ChristianComedyChannel
9 months agoTalking to Muslims 189: A difficult conversation with a Masjid in RochdaleChristianComedyChannel