Erin Brockovich Holds Town Hall In East Palestine To Help Residents Prepare For The 'Long Game' "We often find out five and ten years down the road after you were told it was safe, 'Oops...Houston We Have a Problem'.
mRNA injections destroy your natural immune system causing all sorts of disease along with heart problems and blood clots. Lancet study and other studies prove the mRNA injections are dangerous and deadly.
Australia is heavily involved in developing bioweapons, and when vaccine bioweapons are being created, they’re “exempt” from normal controls demanded by the Biological Weapons Convention. CSIRO has had a hand in creating 8 bioweapons with pandemic
Has the Pandemic Response Made the Problem Worse? Dr. Paul Alexander Conveys His Answer "This vaccine rollout, the way it has been done, and the way it is continuing, will keep in variants emerging one variant after the next. And they're gonna