1. your being offencesive to two soldier's #horseguardsparade

    your being offencesive to two soldier's #horseguardsparade

  2. Grenadier Guard drumming Buckingham Palace #horseguardsparade

    Grenadier Guard drumming Buckingham Palace #horseguardsparade

  3. seven foot guard towers over tourist's #horseguardsparade

    seven foot guard towers over tourist's #horseguardsparade

  4. Don't come near me ears down tourist screams #horseguardsparade

    Don't come near me ears down tourist screams #horseguardsparade

  5. They all jump 😆 🤣 😂 #horseguardsparade

    They all jump 😆 🤣 😂 #horseguardsparade

  6. Time traveler's at hours guard parade #horseguardsparade

    Time traveler's at hours guard parade #horseguardsparade

  7. First tourist listened to the guard The second got shouted at. #horseguardsparade

    First tourist listened to the guard The second got shouted at. #horseguardsparade

  8. Kings guard shouts at tourist don't hold the Reins #horseguardsparade

    Kings guard shouts at tourist don't hold the Reins #horseguardsparade

  9. Both horses spooked by work men drilling Both taken ack to stables and replaced #horseguardsparade

    Both horses spooked by work men drilling Both taken ack to stables and replaced #horseguardsparade

  10. Hey back behind the white line #horseguardsparade

    Hey back behind the white line #horseguardsparade

  11. The Horse telling this tourist to f..k off #horseguardsparade

    The Horse telling this tourist to f..k off #horseguardsparade

  12. Kings guards horse freaks out over workmen drilling both front legs slip guard stays on.

    Kings guards horse freaks out over workmen drilling both front legs slip guard stays on.

  13. Kings guard want sign and chain ⛓️ put up to keep tourist out #horseguardsparade

    Kings guard want sign and chain ⛓️ put up to keep tourist out #horseguardsparade

  14. Kings guard collapses in Hyde Park #horseguardsparade

    Kings guard collapses in Hyde Park #horseguardsparade

  15. second horse freaks out over workmen drilling #thekingsguard

    second horse freaks out over workmen drilling #thekingsguard

  16. Kings guard telling tourist to get behind the white line #horseguardsparade

    Kings guard telling tourist to get behind the white line #horseguardsparade

  17. Some shouts bring back Boris 😆 #horseguardsparade

    Some shouts bring back Boris 😆 #horseguardsparade

  18. Tourist got away with holding the bit #horseguardsparade

    Tourist got away with holding the bit #horseguardsparade

  19. He gives a message to the police to give the other kings guard #thekingsguard

    He gives a message to the police to give the other kings guard #thekingsguard

  20. Horse bleeding from a scratch in side the nose #horseguardsparade

    Horse bleeding from a scratch in side the nose #horseguardsparade

  21. Kings guards horse freaks out over workmen driling #horseguardsparade

    Kings guards horse freaks out over workmen driling #horseguardsparade

  22. Make way tourist screams 😱 #horseguardsparade

    Make way tourist screams 😱 #horseguardsparade