2 years ago144,000; IGREJA; ARREBATAMENTO; TRIBULAÇÃO- PROFECIA #biblia #compartilhe #primiciaManoelaEnglandProfecias144K
2 years agoVOCÊ TEM UM CHAMADO! #missão 🔺️#mensagem #oração #compartilhe #jesus #bibliaManoelaEnglandProfecias144K
2 years agoJESUS me deu uma mensagem para a IGREJA🔺️ #144 #revelação #jesus #igreja #mensagemManoelaEnglandProfecias144K
1 year ago🔺️ASTERÓIDE, SEXTO SELO, ORION #profecia #biblia #jesus #compartilheManoelaEnglandProfecias144K
1 year agoPrayer for the Persecuted Saints of The Most High / Targeted IndividualsEndure Until The End
1 year agoPrayer for the Spirit of Victory & Prayer for the Lost to Find RepentanceEndure Until The End
1 year agoprayer for truth, clarity, discernment, revelation - prayer to reveal intentions, ulterior motivesEndure Until The End
1 year agoPrayer to Release All Pain, Prayer for the Lost - Motivation, Perseverance & DedicationEndure Until The End
1 year agoPrayer to Destroy Demonic Altars & Nullify Dark Arts - Spiritual Warfare - Targeted IndividualsEndure Until The End
1 year agoprayer to release bitterness,resentment,hatred / divine reversal of conditioningEndure Until The End
1 year agoprayer for healing mental, emotional, psychological, spiritual, neurological, afflictions&symptomsEndure Until The End
1 year agoprayer for surrender, prayer for patience and peace with Yahuah's timingEndure Until The End