2 years agoWe Flaunt SIN And Wonder Why We Are Destroyed - Washington DC #ISUPK- Washington DC #ISUPKISUPKDC
2 years agoBlack & Latino Children will NOW Survive Abortions & Child Molesters - ISUPK #RoeVWade #RKellyISUPKDC
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2 years agoNo Difference Between 1917 East St. Louis Riots & 2022 Buffalo Massacre - #ISUPK Washington DCISUPKDC
2 years agoLori Harvey is Steve Harvey's Daughter. Why are you surprised? - #ISUPK Washington DCISUPKDC
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2 years agoThe Making Of A Weak Woman(Roe Vs Wade) & Surviving Christianity - #ISUPK Washington DCISUPKDC