Barack Obama | Why Did Barack Obama Tell Trump? "There Is Only One Person You Should Not Hire, General Michael Flynn. There Are Two People In the World You Cannot Trust, One of Them Is Putin & One of Them Is General Michael Flynn."
Joe Rogan & Donald J. Trump Interview Highlights | "I Have a Theory, These Pollsters, They Charge Half a Million Bucks to Do Some Stupid Poll & They Interview 251 People. I Don't Think They Interview Them."
Mental Institution, that's how Democrats do it: Kamala scares people to death telling them that her opponent is going to end their democracy, then she hugs them chanting "we're gonna be fine, we're all in this together..."
46 days until the end of 46 insanity: Creepy Joe dozes off during his meeting with Africans then tells them he's "coming back to ride on the train" because he "likes trains a lot."