6 months agoMasivo intento de fuga en cárcel de República Democrática del Congo deja al menos 129 muertosPRENSA
7 months agoUpon Further Review - Mongo & Kamala learn that 34 counts in New York aren't crimes.Upon Further Review with Mike Wiley
1 year agoLupita Nyongo'o They’ve traded in their long locks for bobs and their bobs f pixies; the less lengthMISTERELIOTT
1 year agoSlavery and Child Labor EXPOSED In The Congo So We Can Have Cobalt In Our GadgetsProgressiveTruthSeekers
2 years agoImportant POLIO Information: Adverse events following immunization with oral poliovirus in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo: preliminary results Didier Nzolo et al. Pathog Glob Health. 2013 Oct. N.I.H. Studynonvaxer420