Neuralink | "Imagine the Joy of Connecting w/ Your Loved Ones, Browsing the Web Or Playing Games Using Only Your Thoughts. This Is Made Possible By Placing a Small Cosmetically Invisible Implant Into a Part of Your Brain That Controls Movements."
Dollar Collapse | Did the 2014 Movie Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit Predict the Introduction of the BRICS Gold-Backed Central Bank Digital Currency & the Complete Collapse of the U.S. Economy? "New Money, New World." - RT (July 3rd 2023)
CBDC | Why Is Russian State Media Reporting "New Money, New World?" + Joe Rogan, Ice Cube & General Flynn React to the World-Wide Introduction of Universal Basic Income, Central Bank Digital Currencies, & Social Credit Scores
Yuval Noah Harari | Who Is Harari? Is the Israeli-Openly-Gay-Transhumanismist-Best-Selling-Author the False Prophet Prophecied In The Bible? Why Does Yuval Want to Change the Times, Laws, & Money?
De-Dollarization | Is De-Dollarization Occurring Exponentially? | Why was BRICS GDP to GOLD added (2x G7)? | Why Is Dollar Supply DROPPING? | "The Nature of Money Is Going to Change Quite Dramatically." - Yuval Noah Harari
General Flynn | Will the Epstein List Ever Get Exposed? As of Jan 1st 2024, BRICS Has Doubled In Size?! "The Nature of Money Is Going to Change Dramatically." - Yuval Noah Harari + What Is the Federal Reserve? How Did Epstein Compromise People?
Former CIA analyst John Kiriakou tells the story of how Hamilton 68 got PayPal to seize the money of numerous independent media outlets, including a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist at @ConsortiumNews
Artificial Intelligence | "Today We Are Going to Be Interviewed By An AI?" - Bill Gates | "We Will Connect Wirelessly Our Neocortex to the Cloud." - Ray Kurzweil (Director of Engineering At Google)