General Flynn Explains CBDCs | Why Do Steve Forbes, Glenn Beck, Tucker Carlson and Catherine Austin Fitts Use the Following Words to Describe CBDCs? “Frightening, Chilling, Mark of the Beast & Surveillance Under the Skin.”
Kanye West and Tucker Carlson | He Was Told, "Go Out There and Use Your Platform to Push the Vaccinations." + Was His Wife Close Friends without the Clintons Without His Knowledge?
The Quest to ReAwaken America Continues | Jimmy Kimmel, Washington Post, NPR, Huffington Post, the Associated Press All Cover the ReAwaken America Tour Within 10 Days | Is America Waking Up In Time? + 63 Tickets Remain for Nov. 4th & 5th Branson, MO
The Great Reset | 15-Minute Cities - "You Will Only Have the Freedom to Operate within the Part You Will Live. You Will Have to Go Out An Approved Route." - Katie Hopkins
Yuval Noah Harari | "Free Will Has Always Been a Myth. This Was the Moment When Surveillance Started Going Under the Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari (Klaus Schwab Advisor Praised by Obama, Zuckerberg, Gates, Stanford, Harvard, MIT, TEDTalks..."
MARK OF THE BEAST | CBDC | "Wednesday (11/23/2022), the FED Started Their Central Bank Digital Currency. Yes the FED Coin Is Here! I Think Maybe We Should Start Having the Conservation of, This Looks Like the MARK OF THE BEAST." - Glenn Beck
CBDCs | Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies Are HERE!!! + Why Is Dr. Eric Nepute Being Sued by the Federal Trade Commission for $508,000,000,000?
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Did Yuval Noah Harari Say, "Dreams About a World without Hierarchy, without Injustice, without Poverty, a world with COMPLETELY DIFFERENT LAWS. We Will Rebuild the TEMPLE and Create a New Perfect Utopian Society?"