3 years agoLa Quinta Columna: It's been confirmed that there's graphene oxide in the vaccination vialsMOONMYST
2 years agoLa Quinta Columna - Programa 186 - periodistas y políticos empujan a millones a la muerteINFODEMIA
2 years agoThis is how the vaccine , spike Protein, and Graphene oxide combine with 5g to Control your brainAnti-Disinfo League
3 years agoDr. José Luis Sevillano on authorities and doctors who still don't explain the magnetic phenomenonORWELLITO
2 years agoX-Files, Season 10, Aired 2016 #TheTruthIsOutThere Predictive Programming of COVID-19Truth Mafia
3 years agoLa Quinta Columna: Comments about the confirmation of graphene oxide in vaccination vialsORWELLITO
2 years agoLa Quinta Columna - Programa 172 - accidentes de tránsito disparados por grafeno en vacunadosINFODEMIA
3 years agoMagnetGate: Dr. José Luis Sevillano calls on people to continue recording magnetic arm videosORWELLITO
3 years agoBluetoothGate: Hombre presenta conexión Bluetooth después de recibir la vacuna de AstraZenecaORWELLITO
3 years agoArranca el Plan de denuncia para lograr paralizar la "vacunación" masiva "anti Covid"Art5335