Witch Doctor At the WEF? | Pastor Benjamin Discusses: New World Order Agenda, Ecocide + "We Are On the Way to A New Order, So We Are Between Orders." - Børge Brende & Jake Sullivan, U.S. National Security Advisor (Jan. 16 2024)
Dr. Stella Immanuel | The Great Reset Agenda | What Is the Ultimate Goal of the Great Reset Agenda? If the Globalists Can Put RNA-Modifying Nanotechnology & Graphene Under Our Skin, They Win + Daniel 2:40-43 "Iron Mixed with Miry Clay"
The Federal Reserve | “The Biggest Scam They Have Is the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve Is Not Owned By the American People, It Is Owned By 24 Prime Brokers, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs & Morgan Stanley. How Does That Work? ” - Steve Bannon
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "As Your President I Will Never Allow the Creation of a Creation Bank Digital Currency." - The 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump | Central Bank Digital Currencies Explained In 19 Minutes
Elon Musk | "The Only Action needed to Solve Climate Change Is a Carbon Tax." - Elon Musk + Why Are Elon Musk & Yuval Noah Harari Calling for a Carbon Tax, mRNA Modifying Nanotechnology Vaccines, Self-Driving Cars & UBI?
Ebola | "Denver Health Paramedics, Doctors & Nurses Have Just Been Vaccinated with a LIVE Ebola Vaccine. Why Would They Be Doing That? There Is a Lab Being Created Down the Street from Denver." - Dr. Richard Bartlett
Sean Strickland | "People Like You Have F#$%-Ing Weaseled Your Way Into the World. You Are An Infection. You Are the Definition of Weakness. Everything That Is Wrong With the World Is Because of F#$%-Ing You." - MMA Fighter Sean Strickland
Vivek Ramaswamy | What Is the True Origin Story of Vivek Ramaswamy? | Everything You Need to Know About Ramaswamy In 8 Minutes + Should We Pronounce the Last Name As Ramawamy or RAMA-SWAMPY?
General Flynn | How Did They Lose SecDef Austin? 30+ Countries to Join BRICS? China & Russia's Quantum Satellite Link, Graphene Semiconductors & Surveillance Under the Skin? “COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin.” - Yuval Noah Hara
Prayer & Healing | Lead by Pastor Dave Scarlett, Pastor Leon Benjamin & Julie Green | ReAwaken America Tour Las Vegas | Request Tickets Via Text At 918-851-0102
Dollar Collapse | "We Are A Country That Is 130% Debt to GDP, No One Has Ever Come Back from That without Default or Hyper-Inflation. We Are Country That Has 5 Trillion In Assets of Which 40% Is STUDENT DEBT." - Andy Schectman (Jan 5th 2024)