Auburn Univ: I Draw A Crowd, Rain Drives It Away, I Draw An Even Bigger Crowd, Lots of Hypocrites, Pagans, Homosexuals & Atheists, Campus Admin Calls Police & Trespass Me Off the Campus, Police Escort Me to My Car
University of Arkansas: Subscriber Joins Me, Campus Admin Try to Remove Me, Lesbians, Skeptics, Hypocrites & Humble Christians All Gather Around for the Gospel Preaching
467: ARIZONA HERO LIZ HARRIS - Wrongfully Expelled From The House Of Representatives On 4/12/23 - The Day The LegislaTURDS STOLE Your Voices, Freedoms & VOTE!
University of Arizona: Viewer Discretion Advised, Mob of Riotous Homosexuals, Admin Threatens To Remove Me, Several True Christian Students Thank Me For Being There
University of Missouri St. Louis: Bitterly Cold Day, Encouraging A Struggling Christian, Challenging A Student On The Veracity of the Bible, Fruitful Conversations with Christian Students
Univ of North Carolina: Rowdy, Hostile Crowds, Contending With Many Lesbians & Sexual Perverts, Dealing with Hypocrites, Two Christian Students Help Me, Preaching Jesus Christ