2 years agoIf the goal was to reduce the world's population, the vaccine is working!The Greatest Medical Fraud
2 years agoMore Harm Than Good! A Closer look into Pfizer's phase III Clinical TrialThe Greatest Medical Fraud
2 years agoTwo (2) years ago this is how skeptical we are about these vaccines!The Greatest Medical Fraud
2 years agoUntil we all show that we’ve had enough, they will keep pushing this GLOBAL LIES! (Mike Yeadon)The Greatest Medical Fraud
2 years agoMore Harm Than Good! The Pfizer inoculations for Covid-19. by CCCAThe Greatest Medical Fraud
2 years agotheBMJ: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trialThe Greatest Medical Fraud
2 years ago"I'm on team humanity. We need to spread the word and save a life" – Edward DowdThe Greatest Medical Fraud
2 years agoThe fox is watching the chicken coop. 50% of FDA budget comes from Pharmas (Edward Dowd)The Greatest Medical Fraud
2 years agoPfizer Covid vaccines caused 24% MORE INCREASED in deaths compare to the unvaxx.The Greatest Medical Fraud
2 years agoBill Gates: They (covid-19 vaccines) are NOT good at blocking infectionsThe Greatest Medical Fraud
2 years agoFive (5) important things to know to battle out this covid-19 scamdemic!The Greatest Medical Fraud
2 years agoThe RT-PCR Scam! It’s NOT able to decide if a positive sample is indicative of a contagious person.The Greatest Medical Fraud
2 years agoThe RT-PCR Scam! It has been misused as a diagnostic tool when it should NOTThe Greatest Medical Fraud
2 years ago"The vaccines' risk benefit ratio for children is upside down" - Robert MaloneThe Greatest Medical Fraud
2 years agoRFK Jr: I will debate anybody, anytime (but) none of them will debate me! They're all terrified!The Greatest Medical Fraud
2 years agoDr. Judy Mikovits | PhD (Molecular Biologist) - “Never Get Another Vaccine”The Information War