2 years ago"East Berlin" Acrylic Painting, Abstract Expressionist art, paint and be happy enjoyAmbaalampsVerified
2 years agoBoehner Crying at a Pelosi Painting is Why GOP Establishment Allows Drag Queens at the White HouseDon Khan Swaylo
1 year agoArtist Creates a Battle of Gettysburg Oil Painting - 154th New York of Coster’s Brigade - Part 1A Brush with History - Mark Maritato Historical Artist
2 years agoThe Leonardo of Landscape Painting: Lars Hertervig and the Rejuvenation in Primal ImagesCave of Apelles
2 years agoSwamp-butt. We’re still out there. People spray painting their lawns? Weird.ACME Mowing VLOG
2 years agoShaun Roberts on Teaching Painting, Qualities of Remington & Brouwer and Studying with Odd NerdrumCave of Apelles
2 years agoIs Figurative Painting Coming Back or are we Trapped in Modernism? | David Molesky & Jan-Ove TuvCave of Apelles
3 years agoHuge Boulder Cells, Just paint & water! Easy Fluid Art Tutorial # #nosilicone #abstractart #artJessicasFluidArt
1 year agoSalvador Dalí's Fine Art Museum featuring his paintings, sculptures, prints from 1977 to 1982.Fine Art Connection
2 years ago“Afrika” Acrylic Painting, Abstract Expressionist Art, Freedom isn't FreeAmbaalampsVerified