Barack Obama | Why Did Barack Obama Say, "We All Know Some Folks In Our Lives, They Say Crazy Stuff and We're All Like, You Know Uncle Joe...We Know Happened to Him?"
( -0836 ) [fix on the way - skip forward from 34:47-34:57] Unheard Victims, Unheard Conspiracies of Controlled Politicians - Does the World of Crypto Tie Into a Smart City 2030 Build Back Better Agenda
( -0828 ) Why Did Mysterious Drones Pick New Jersey - Good Guys? - Tracking? - Blue Beam? - Is NJ (Such as Grover's Mill) the Perfect Setting for a Psyop?
General Flynn Explains CBDCs | Why Do Steve Forbes, Glenn Beck, Tucker Carlson and Catherine Austin Fitts Use the Following Words to Describe CBDCs? “Frightening, Chilling, Mark of the Beast & Surveillance Under the Skin.”
Deborah Birx | Why Did Birx Mislead the World About Social Distancing 15 Days to Stop the Spread the Models That Said 2.2 Million Would Die Were False?
Secret Agent of Reagan and Obama AND Who Later DIRECTLY Suggested to President Trump in 2020 "INVOKE THE INSURRECTION ACT" (of Course Trump Didn't—BOOO!) Goes Public and Warns Election-Theft is in High Gear! | Patrick Byrne
Klaus Schwab | Why Did Klaus Schwab Say, "The Difference of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (The Great Reset) Is It Doesn't Change What You Are Doing, It Changes You If You Take the Gene Editing?"